About Me

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Sandi Underwood was born a PK (Preacher’s Kid) in the beautiful East Tennessee Mountains, where family stories were passed down, generation-to-generation. Her love of writing was cultivated at an early age when family get-togethers and Church dinners-on-the-grounds provided an idyllic backdrop for memories that fuel her stories. Sandi’s early career included working with children in both the public and private sectors. Later in life, her path took a different direction, but her love of books was ever-present. Today, she shares a home with her rescue dog, Gus, and draws inspiration from her grandchildren as she continues to write for both children and adults. Learn more at www.sandiunderwood.net and track her writing journey at www.sandiu.blogspot.com, follow her on Twitter @SandiGCY, and like her Facebook page at Sandi Underwood/gcywriter or email her at sandiu@comcast.net.

Monday, July 31, 2017

July 31, 2017: Thank you, but not for us….
Another rejection on my Adult Romance/Suspense. “Not for us…” That seems to be a phrase overused by publishers when the answer is no. But it’s encouraging when they go on to explain that just because it isn’t a fit for us, doesn’t mean it won’t work somewhere else. In a perfect world, they would mention where it would work...but I guess that perfect world doesn’t exist for writers. So another one comes off the list. Lucky for me, I still have 6 would-be publishers still on the hook for that particular manuscript, but this weekend will be another marketing blitz to identify still other opportunities. This publisher did mention something I hadn’t heard before: should you do a major rewrite on this manuscript, please consider re-submitting to us after six months. Hmmm….I love options. So this reinforces the idea there’s always room for improvement. I’ve read many times that some authors refuse to revise. It just makes sense if you see rejection after rejection, something isn’t working. Maybe the plot is good, but the story has weak spots. Or maybe the backstory doesn’t work with the main plot. Earlier, I mentioned a list I’m using to determine if/when the story is ready to submit.
1.            What does each character contribute to the story?
2.            Did I tie up his/her story line?
3.            Are all his/her scenes as believable as possible?
My list of priorities mentioned in last week’s blog just got a new item added to the secondary list: revise BLOOD MONEY, using the list above. Instead of getting depressed and giving up, I’m more determined than ever! Remember: my success/failure is directly a result of my actions - if I don’t try, I’ll never succeed.
But here's something to make you smile - a recent picture of my writing assistant.

Friday, July 28, 2017

July 28, 2017:

Long Dry Spell. We all have them. Life gets in the way of your favorite hobby--whether it’s writing, crocheting, reading… but the pull is always there. Eventually, you drift back. Sometimes, it helps to take a mini-sabbatical. Often times, you return refreshed and can look at your current WIP with fresh eyes. That’s what happened after two weeks of no structured writing. I returned last night and was able to put a fresh spin on a tired section of the plot. We’ve all heard it’s good to exercise the opposite side of your brain when things get stale, so I’m ready to jump back in. And during this long dry spell, I was beginning to get overwhelmed, I let life overshadow my writing goals. Here’s how I got back on track: I made a list of what I need to accomplish (regarding writing) and then prioritized it. I reasoned that since series one of the Baker Manor books is under consideration, and especially since I listed in the synopsis that series two is in second draft form, that should be my number-one priority. It wasn’t hard to, then, decide on number two: the sequel to the book currently under contract. Number three: the outline for the third in the series on Baker Manor - again, especially since I said there was one in the synopsis, (there is, but most of it is still in my mind). That’s it. Short list. Do-able. Here are some guidelines for getting back on track:
Ø  Make a list of goals

Ø  Prioritize the list

Ø  Pick the top three (keep it short or else the list, itself, will overwhelm)

Ø  Focus on the list. Mark the items off when completed. Add the next item to the list

Ø  Basically, keep two lists - only add to the secondary list, holding to only three items on the main one. This little trick works best for me--
Okay, back to number one on the list.

Monday, July 17, 2017

July 17, 2017:
Webster describes this time as an uncertain period of awaiting a decision or resolution; an intermediate state or condition.

All I know is if I don’t keep myself on track, this is the period I start thinking failure, give up, never gonna happen. My focus right now is revision and marketing. R&M. AS for revision, I’m currently reading through hard-copy of my next in the series of the BLOOD books, my YA/NA Romance Suspense. The first in the series was Blood Money. The current WIP is Blood Moon. It’s amazing how many edits I can find on a single page. Staring at a computer screen, the words can glaze over, and I will miss many; but reading hard-copy usually does the trick. And for marketing, I began the submission process when snail mail was the norm, and buying the current hard-copy book of marketing and publishing information was costly. To successfully identify three possible publishers, complete their requirements, and mail in a large envelope was a feat. Today, the internet has all but made that method of submitting a thing of the past. Current submission guidelines are just a click away. Most not only allow, but prefer, electronic submissions. I currently have 24 submissions out there - I think that’s a new record for me. Pat myself on the back time; now, back to revision.

Monday, July 10, 2017

July 10, 2017: Rejection Should Not Equate Failure

And just like that, two rejections in one day. On the 4th of July, for crying out loud! But the rejections seem to be getting “kinder” now that I can state I have a book coming out in 2018. Is that my imagination? Maybe. One rejection stated, while the project shows promise, it’s just not for us at this time. Another said, it was clear a lot of work went into the story, but they were going to pass on it at this time. AT THIS TIME? Does that mean that you might want to publish it in the future?

It would be so easy to listen to that bullfrog in my mind saying “quit it…quit it…quit it…” But I’ve tasted success…it’s too late to turn back now. Let me quickly point out, getting published is not for the weak at heart. Well-known authors often state their road to success was paved with many bumps along the way. The ONLY attitude I can afford is…it just wasn’t meant to be. The right publisher is out there. I just need to keep trying. Remember, A WINNER IS A LOSER WHO TRIED ONE MORE TIME.  I shall try one more time (this week…and then again next week…) And after hearing Robert Beatty tell how Serafina And The Black Cloak became such a huge success, and Disney wanted a sequel like RIGHT NOW…and the many hours he put in (not to mention the blood, sweat, and tears)…and still didn’t make the first deadline; well, I’m going to get a jump on the game. I’m going to finish the sequel while I wait.  Talk about power of positive thinking…I’m glad I received those rejections. They just made me more determined to keep trying.

Monday, July 3, 2017

 Happy 4th of July!
May the MUSE be with you: Currently, I have two books in the writing stage - WIPs (Works In Progress)-to be exact, and I’m having trouble finding time to write--again. So much for my budgeted schedule. What usually happens is when I have the time, I’m not inspired. When I’m inspired, I don’t have the time. In fact, most of my best thoughts are when I’m in bed, getting ready to fall asleep. Do I keep a tablet on my bedside table? Nope. And even if I did, I’d have to wake up enough to jot something down. By then, I’d be wide awake. Might as well get up and write.

Take last night, for example. I’ve been nit-picking a scene to death in my current WIP titled BLOOD MOON. Lying in bed, trying to drift off, I worked out the perfect solution. This morning, I couldn’t for the life of me, remember. It came to me later on…or the bones of it did; but I can’t help feel like I’m forgetting one good part.  Does my cell phone have a voice record app? I have no idea.
Another method used by writers that doesn’t work for me is jotting down notes wherever I am--oh, when the thought hits, I jot it down, alright. But when I look for the paper, I can’t find it. Count me zero for two lately on that little idea. For crying out loud…I DO carry a notebook! It’s usually in my car when I need it. Cell phone recorder would work there, as well. I’m beginning to see a pattern.

What do you do when the muse strikes?
Dedication of my book:
To my grandchildren…a.k.a. The Grands.

No words needed.