About Me

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Sandi Underwood was born a PK (Preacher’s Kid) in the beautiful East Tennessee Mountains, where family stories were passed down, generation-to-generation. Her love of writing was cultivated at an early age when family get-togethers and Church dinners-on-the-grounds provided an idyllic backdrop for memories that fuel her stories. Sandi’s early career included working with children in both the public and private sectors. Later in life, her path took a different direction, but her love of books was ever-present. Today, she shares a home with her rescue dog, Gus, and draws inspiration from her grandchildren as she continues to write for both children and adults. Learn more at www.sandiunderwood.net and track her writing journey at www.sandiu.blogspot.com, follow her on Twitter @SandiGCY, and like her Facebook page at Sandi Underwood/gcywriter or email her at sandiu@comcast.net.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

 After a scary pandemic and quite a long dry spell of zero blogging, I'm baaaaack! I, like every other writer I know, spent that time wondering if things would ever get back to normal. I am happy to announce my latest book, ON A SCALE OF ONE TO TEN, is available on Amazon and next week I will be interviewed by author Nancy Allen. I hope to post that interview here, so be on the lookout for juicy little details about my new book. But here's a sneak peak at the front & back covers.


1 comment:

Nancy Kelly Allen said...

What a comeback! Announcing a new book for middle graders. They’ll love it. I certainly did.