About Me

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Sandi Underwood was born a PK (Preacher’s Kid) in the beautiful East Tennessee Mountains, where family stories were passed down, generation-to-generation. Her love of writing was cultivated at an early age when family get-togethers and Church dinners-on-the-grounds provided an idyllic backdrop for memories that fuel her stories. Sandi’s early career included working with children in both the public and private sectors. Later in life, her path took a different direction, but her love of books was ever-present. Today, she shares a home with her rescue dog, Gus, and draws inspiration from her grandchildren as she continues to write for both children and adults. Learn more at www.sandiunderwood.net and track her writing journey at www.sandiu.blogspot.com, follow her on Twitter @SandiGCY, and like her Facebook page at Sandi Underwood/gcywriter or email her at sandiu@comcast.net.

Monday, November 26, 2018

November 26, 2018: The Book Signing of Christmas Past−As I approach my second book’s release date (BLOOD MONEY, TWRP) on December 10, 2018, I can only think back to my very first book signing last year for my very first book, and make a list and check it twice for future signings:
·        If outside, the temperature should be ABOVE freezing
·        Portable heaters should be present and nearby, as in under my feet
·        Free hot-chocolate should be plentiful
·        Cute Christmas costumes should include scarves, hats, gloves…and thermal underwear!
·        And last but not least, beg for a backup plan to move the venue inside if the snowflakes threaten
Weather in East Tennessee is unpredictable, to say the least, but wouldn’t you know on that long-anticipated day, the temperature dropped so low that vendors cancelled right and left at our local Christmas street festival. Even the Humane Society thought it too inhumane to bring promised pets for petting. Not me. I was riding a high on the thoughts of autographing my book, and I never considered for one minute that no one would come. Kudos to those few die-hard friends that did, and to one very special lady who drove hours just to support me--that was definitely the highlight of my first book signing; but alas, after three hours, my fingers grew so numb, I barely could sign my name−and those I did mirrored chicken-scratch. I was only too happy to call it quits. I cannot state it enough: book signings in “fowl” weather should be inside…even Santa was cold! www.sandiu.blogspot.com

1 comment:

Nancy Kelly Allen said...

Outdoor book signings in shivering cold, sweating heat, pouring rain. Yep. Done them all. Nope, don't recommend it, but I don't regret it either. Well, don't regret it now that they are in the past. Disclaimer: During the actual book signings, my opinion may vary.