Sandi: Once the book was finished, what was your total cost and how is the book ‘marketed’?
Rita: Officially the book cost a total of $3,900 to publish, which included the editing, layout, cover design, etc. After the initial cost, I received some free starter books. I now pay $5.20 for each book. The selling price of my book is $12.99. The book is marketed through a distributor, which I believe is Tennessee-based.
Sandi: What do you do on a personal level to promote your book?
Rita: Book Signings, Church, Civic Clubs, Book Clubs speaking engagements. I have also spoken at Dinners with several hundred people, as well as, Conferences of several thousand.
Sandi: What have you enjoyed most about the entire process? What have you enjoyed the least?
Rita: First and foremost, the realization that God has taken something so very ugly and used it to benefit others going through similar circumstances by allowing them to know they aren’t alone. Second, by allowing me to say because of the positive difference it’s making for others, I wouldn’t change a thing. I am so honored to be used in such an uplifting way. Third, the way people have accepted my mistakes with love and mercy is so healing; I see God smiling every time someone shares that love and mercy with me.
Sandi: Continuing with my question, what about this Company did you like the best? The least?
Rita: I liked my story being accepted the best!!! Whether I earn enough to pay my sweet husband back is irrelevant because it’s more about breaking the lies and ties that bind so many. Events that consume our lives that make us merely breathing beings instead of the realization we’re blessed beings. What I liked least was waiting…..I continually reminded myself, “In God’s timing not mine” and “patience is a virtue”.
Sandi: What about ‘rights’—who owns your book?
Rita: The Company’s representative made it very clear in the beginning, the ‘rights’ to my book are mine and will always be.
Sandi: Back to the submission process, those of us who could paper a wall with rejection slips, was the process you went through to publish your book painful, at all? Did you know, for example, they would ‘accept’ your book from the beginning? Do they accept all submissions?
Rita: Once my book was submitted I received an email stating they would either return my manuscript to me with a rejection letter, OR they would contact me via email of acceptance. They made me aware they received over 15,000 (that’s fifteen thousand) a year and only accept 4%. To say the least, I watched for my manuscript in the mail. However, six weeks later I received an email along with an attachment of contract and agreements which said – “Congratulations on being part of the 4%”. I cried.
Join us next week for the finale of Self-Publishing: An Interview With Someone’s Who’s ‘Been There, Done That…Bought The Book’’
Picture Book Writing Tips
4 years ago
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