Welcome back to my interview with first-time author, Rita Sexton, on the pros and cons of ‘self-publishing’:
Sandi: As you may know, editors/publishers don’t or won’t recognize ‘self-publishing” as ‘credits’ when it comes to pitching a book proposal. Some editors/publishers won’t even accept a query from an unpublished author—some agents, as well.
Again, I understand why you wrote ‘My Journey to My Happy House”, but how do you feel about not being considered a ‘real’ author—especially since I know you’ve already had several book signings.
Rita: It’s not about being anything more than what I am. I had a story, I’ve told it – it’s being read. It doesn’t bother me if the world sees me as an author or not. I did something I was suppose to do….I can say one thing – I had a mother she had nine children – obviously she was impregnated, carried each child, went through the birthing and delivery, and that’s where it ended, however the world considers her a mother.
Sandi: Other than telling your story, did/do you have the desire to continue to write? If so, are you interested in any one particular genre?
Rita: It’s amazing the positive effects of an accepted submission. The blood, sweat and tears put into your ‘first born’, just like childbirth, are forgotten, and the desire once again to put pen to paper (or typed word) is rebirthed. I haven’t a particular genre, my thoughts often because of daily events, spawn ideas of all kinds. Mostly my writing desire is motivational and or spiritual (both of which, in my world bear the same message).
Sandi: Well, again, I want to commend you on your book and reiterate my own congratulations for finding your ‘happy house’. Thanks for sharing your insight with us regarding the publishing process.
Rita: Thank you for this opportunity and certainly for your heartwarming comments.
For information about Rita’s book, visit www.amazon.com or www.barnesandnoble.com and search for Rita Sexton’s
“My Journey To My Happy House”.
Picture Book Writing Tips
4 years ago