December 18, 2017: I’ve said this already a couple of times, but I
continue to be amazed at how many closet writers have come forth since my book
was published. To them, I always take a moment and encourage them to never give
up. I’m reminded of what my critique partner repeated over and over: a winner
is a loser who tried one more time. To anyone reading this who enjoys writing,
I repeat what I know works: write and revise (and repeat), work with a good
critique partner, market research, and submit, submit, submit. Be ready for the
rejections--if you are afraid of rejections, there are many blogs out there
that deal with this. Go read as many as you need. Pretty soon, you’ll
understand why rejection is important to a writer; but equally important is to
read what IS selling. If you write children’s books, read as many as you
possibly can. If adult is your preferred genre, read all the best-sellers and
then some. A good writer is a good reader--not to plagiarize, but to understand
what the public is buying; also, you glean an understanding of what publishers
want. This would be a great time to repeat last week’s advice to writers: plan,
perseverance, and patience! My 3 “p’s” to publishing.
As Christmas approaches, it’s easy to get caught up in shopping and
events; but the real reason for the season needs to stay front and center. I
wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and the gift of the Savior’s birth.