About Me

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Sandi Underwood was born a PK (Preacher’s Kid) in the beautiful East Tennessee Mountains, where family stories were passed down, generation-to-generation. Her love of writing was cultivated at an early age when family get-togethers and Church dinners-on-the-grounds provided an idyllic backdrop for memories that fuel her stories. Sandi’s early career included working with children in both the public and private sectors. Later in life, her path took a different direction, but her love of books was ever-present. Today, she shares a home with her rescue dog, Gus, and draws inspiration from her grandchildren as she continues to write for both children and adults. Learn more at www.sandiunderwood.net and track her writing journey at www.sandiu.blogspot.com, follow her on Twitter @SandiGCY, and like her Facebook page at Sandi Underwood/gcywriter or email her at sandiu@comcast.net.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Into every life some rain must fall. This winter has sent that rain in forms of ice and snow. I'm soooo ready for spring. It's almost as if the word itself is magic. You know when folks say...it's right around the corner, I want to race to that corner and peek. Spring will be so welcomed this year. I plan to be super-productive. I plan to fulfill some of my dreams. Why I need to wait for spring, I dunno...but credos to my writer-buddy, Nancy. She isn't waiting for spring. Nope, she uses her wintry, snowing, frigid winters to churn out another (or two...) story. One of Nancy's latest is BARRELING OVER NIAGRA:
Annie Edson Taylor hatched a big idea in 1901 that she needed to find someway to change her luck. With no money and the poorhouse her only option, she decided to throw caution to the wind and try the impossible: barreling over Niagara Falls. In order to do this, Annie must first design the barrel - preferably one that won't crash into bits and pieces when she goes over the falls. Did I mention Annie was 63 years old when she attempted this feat? This is truly a bold adventure story in Annie's
search for FAME & FORTUNE.

Watch for these other books coming soon by Nancy  K. Allen:  FIRST FIRE—A CHEROKEE LEGEND and AMAZING GRACE