According to Mortality Schedules, 1850-85, our ancestors had life rough…
Many on Dad's side were consumed by “consumption,” which was another word for Tuberculosis.
Several of his kinfolks died due to Typhoid fever in the 1835-1860 era.
Gabrilla Pack died at age 36 in 1834 in childbirth.
Henry died at age 46 in 1834 due to suicide—wonder if that was related to Gabrilla dying and leaving him the new bairn to raise?
James died at age 40 in 1840 of “Dropsey of Chest.”
Another had a similar disease. “Dropsey of Lungs” took Mahala at age 36.
Then there was poor little Davie, 1 yr old in SC, who died of “Bill Fever.” I suffer from that, also…
Sarah, age 74 in 1880, died in NC from measles.
Poor little Emma, 4 yrs. old in 1860, died from “Hydrophobia” in KY—that’s rabies, folks…guess they didn’t have shots back then??
But that’s not as bad as poor little black Cyrus in SC. In 1860, he died from “teething” at age 1. He was listed as “slave.” Probably couldn’t afford teething rings…
But neither had it as bad as little L.F. He died at age 2 in Tennessee from “hopping” cough. I guess every time he coughed, he hopped. Wonder how far he hopped in his 2 years of life?
On Mom’s side, the people lived long lives; for the most part:
Sarah died in PA at age 90 from “old age.” Ya think???
Sanford died in VA at age 76 from same disease. Must get older quicker in VA…
Susan died in VA at age 75—same disease.
There were in total, 43 people listed as dying of “old age.” Hope I take after that side of the family…
In 1860, Joanah died from “suicide from hanging” in Massachusetts at age 70. I guess she couldn’t take another twenty years.
Then there was poor old Olive in Massachusetts who died of cancer of the anus. She was 62. She probably lived longer than she wanted to…
That was almost as bad as poor old Lewis. He was born in Germany, came to America and died at age 37 of “cold water.” Guess they don’t have cold water in Germany.
In 1863, poor James died at age 37 in NJ of a “violent death-busted up in mill machinery.” Ouch!
Then in 1880, Catherine died in TN from a “pistal.” It was termed as “sui-side.”
Thomas died in 1880 in TN—he was “murdered.” He was 19 years old. Same pistal?
A little black infant died in childbirth in TN in 1870. “Parents unknown.” Yeah, right… Where was the Mother during “childbirth”?
Picture Book Writing Tips
4 years ago