I have taken the first step. Does everyone in the world blog now? I said I never would...and now look at me. You'd think I'd use whatever time I have to write; but no, now I'm a blogger.
The tides are a'changing: February is gone, March came in like a lamb (that means it will go out like a lion for those of you who've kept up with 'the old sayings'), but spring will officially be here the 20th. I always feel like I've accomplished something when I make it through January and February--March brings the light at the end of the tunnel. I'm not a 'winter person'. My granddaughter told me today she is because she likes cold weather. She asked if I'm a summer person. Guess I am since she said I was if I like warm weather. Didn't much mind the cold when I was her age, but the bones feel better in warm weather now. Speaking of grandchildren, what does it mean when you take them to a movie that's scary and you're the only one scared? They don't make kids like they used to, is all I'm saying. And while we're on the subject of kids, I just realized I forgot to wish my son and daughter-in-law 'HAPPY ANNIVERSARY' today. It's that 'age thing', again. I've misplaced my keys again...for the third time this weekend...and I'm blogging instead of hunting for them. Tomorrow will be a better day. Yeah, right. It's MONDAY!